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I am so pleased to discover that I have again been given recognition by other writers who read my blog.    When I started blogging I did so as a means of deepening my own prayer life and sharing what I felt compelled by the Holy Spirit to help others in their own journey to a richer and deeper relationship with God.  Those who read this blog, comment on it, and those who see posts worthy of recognition help me to realize that my words and efforts here are touching spirits everywhere.  God has been good.  God is good.

Today I am honored to share that I have been given the 2 awards combined in one.  Thank you to Tazein who blogs at:  wordpress.transcendingbordersblog.  Stop by, you will see a rich variety on her site.

The two awards in one includes:  The very inspiring blogger award and the shine on award.

It is indeed gratifying to know that I have been an inspiration, and oh so delightful to realize that even in my recent struggles with faith, hope and trust that the kernels of my relationship with God have shone through.  I most definitely will pray that these qualities continue to be developed in me. Again, thank you Tazein.

THE RULES, which I hope are more guideline than rules…..


1-Display the award logo on your website.


2-Link back to the person who nominated you.


3-Share 7 things about yourself.


4-Choose 15 other bloggers to nominate for these awards and ensure you link them back to the award page.


7 things about me:

  1. Worship junkie
  2. Grandmother of 3 perfect boys, ages 4, 2 and 2 months
  3. Am wobbling on the technology learning curve
  4. Am blessed with the BEST friends and spoiled by them.
  5. Have lived gluten free for the past year, and love the changes in me
  6. Am blessed to still have my mother to turn to
  7. Think I may be busier in unemployment than I want to be.

All of which is just really a way of saying that I am blessed to be dwelling in the perfect promises of God.

Those I am nominating are:

  1.  http://cultofotis.wordpress.com
  2. http://blessedwithastarontheforehead.wordpress.com
  3. http://thebeggarsbakery.net
  4. http://bradstanton.com
  5. http://mlsgregg.com
  6. http://scottsholar.com
  7. http://5kidswdisabilities.com


that’s it for me.  You know that I don’t read too many blogs, although I keep discovering more and the list grows.  I suspect that is one of the real benefits of sharing awards among one another.  We get to read and love new blogs.  I hope that you will check out these blogs and the blog that Tazein, who nominated me, writes.    May you be inspired with what you find in these pages.  Much peace to you all.  Ena